The DarkZide stealthily appeared on Earth from their dying world in Dark Dimension to acquire the Larmu, human life-energy, to continue their existence. To counter the threat, Takeshi Munakata of the...
A Hero!! Me?
Twinkle, Twinkle, my Light Brain
A Lot of Brides
Ah friendship, Ah Cruelty
He is the Culprit!
Sorry, Jiro
Idol!! Me?
Daughter, Pick a Man!!
Hayami, Radiant!
Not Mackerel!
Save the Cognac
Mr. Daruma Fallen
Rose and Sunflower
Farewell, Akemi
His Super Phantom
Bitten Fog Child!
Full Rivals
Further Rivals
Your Daughter, this Abnormality
Hero!! Huh? Changéríon 133 Days of Fighting
Reliving Unrequited Love
Phantom Gold Reserves!
Mysterious Dark Courtroom!
Life's Worst Flirt
Phantom Thief Kuroageha!
Black Knight, Arrives!
Akemi Returns!
Dog and Cat and Horse and Deer
Hayami is a Criminal!
A Hero's Teacher!
Sheep and Pie and Money and
The Second Soldier Arrives!
Not Mackerel! 2
Is it Friendship?
Cursing Woman and Helping Woman
A New Enemy?!
Baketeke Before the Storm
Held the Emperor
Over the Times…