Spectreman is the name and title superhero of a tokusatsu sci-fi TV series. Produced by P Productions and created by producer Souji Ushio, this series aired on Fuji TV from January 2, 1971 to March 25, 1972 with a total of 63 episodes, not counting the pre-series pilot episode. This was the first major superhero show of the 1970s.
- Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Tetsuo Narikawa , Kazuo Arai , Machiko Konishi , Sakurako Shin , Taeko Sakurai , Takanobu Tohya , Koji Uenishi , Tohru Ohira
- Keinosuke Tsuchiya, Kanji Otsuka, Koichi Ishiguro, Higuchi Higuchi, Tomio Sagisu, Yasuharu Hasebe