The spirit Hanako-kun and his human assistant, first-year student Nene Yashiro, keep the peace between supernatural forces and the students of Kamome Academy. When they’re not fighting to maintain balance between the living and spirit worlds, how do they spend their time? Join Hanako-kun and Nene on their adventures after school!
- Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Megumi Ogata , Akari Kito , Shoya Chiba , Yuma Uchida , Minako Sato , Shunichi Toki , Chika Anzai , Takahiro Mizushima
- Emiko Iijima, Yuuki Muramatsu, Toshiya Niikura, Akihiro Sotokawa, Shinji Horikiri, Hisato Usui, Yuki Katayama, Shinya Watanabe