The series begins with the mother-less child, Lin Daiyu - whose beauty and intelligence surpasses all, moving into the family compound of her maternal grandmother in the capital. There, the child meets numerous relatives, one of whom is Jia Baoyu, her mother's nephew and male protagonist. Baoyu was born with a piece of jade in his mouth and, so, is treated like a fragile egg and spoiled by his grandmother. He often spends his time with his female cousins and maids instead of tending to his studies.
- Drama, Family
- Mandarin
Cast & Crew
- Ouyang Fenqiang , Chen Xiaoxu , Zhang Li , Cheng Mei , Dongfang Wenying , Guo Xiaozhen , Ji Peijie
- Wang Fulin
- Wang Fulin, Linfeng Dai, Wenbin Hu, Wang Fulin